Okay, here are the three versions of page 8-9 from KOTOR #3.
The first one-- the initial lineart is done. I send that one off to everyone for approval before coming back and finishing off all the rendering. Most important thing here is that I haven't left anything out of the script and that I haven't drawn anything inappropriate for print. You can see that I've done a little bit of the rendering on the Rakghoul and Raana Tay on the left. I work left to right anyways to help prevent smudges ( I guess lefties work right to left).
Once I get the okay from my editor, I render everything in a pseudo grayscale. The reason I call it pseudo is that I'm only going in to give it a little bit of form and contrast so that you can instantly tell what's going on at first glance. I can't do more than this on a deadline because a fully rendered page would take me a week to do and I just couldn't keep that up.
After that, I write up a bunch of notes for it (time of day, who's who, etc) and Mike Atiyeh colors the heck out of it. He really did a gorgeous job on this one.
My only regret here is that it is too short of a sequence. We seem to be running into that problem that we have too many good things going on with too many good characters. It's a good problem to have I know. It would be great if we could have more pages per issue.