Knights of the Old Republic... FREE!!!
Just found out you can download the first issue for free! Get the Dark Horse App in the App store for your iPhone/iPad. It's truly stunning to see on your digital device. The colors and the contrast are out of this world. And it's truly the way all the creators see their work the majority of the time. Once I draw it and scan it in, it becomes a digital file that goes from colors to letters to editorial. All of it viewed on a monitor. As much as I love it in printed form (love the feel of holding the comic book in my hands
) it will never look as good as on the monitor. Anyhow, DH put up a bunch of free downloads including Cary Nord's Conan #1-- stunning work. Check 'em all out!

I miss this book. and I love this page!
Ahoy there, Brian!
Excellent page!
How are you doing?
My name is Timothy Connolly, and I am the editor-in-chief at The Hourly Planet; a webzine based in New York.
The Hourly Planet would very much like to conduct an interview with you, to be published online at our site.
Would that be ok? And if so, may I email you our questions? You can reply to me with your written answers by email. We might have some additional questions too, in response to your first wave of answers. It'll be fun, I promise. It won't be the standard run-of-the-mill questions.
We look forward to hearing from you. And should you ever have the desire to write a rant, or a review, or even just vent an opinion, our door is always open for you. We'd be delighted to publish any such articles.
Thanks very much for your time today!
Laser beams,
~Timothy Connolly
The Hourly Planet, editor in chief
Comicbook Genius, founder
Captain Cold has the coolest gun in comics
hey man I had one of your drawings of Joker on my HD that I just started inking. Had hell finding out who drew it to put credits on it. But you can see it here on my Facebook page
Veryy creative post
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