Wednesday, November 19, 2008
baby Zayne
Here's a sketch I did on a comic backing board. I did 4 others (this is the only baby version however) and plan to drop off all 5 of them at the Comics Factory in Pasadena. I just thought it might be a fun little thing to give out to loyal Star Wars comic fans.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
kotor #35
Here's a sneak at issue #35 coming out this Wednesday, Nov 19th. There's a preview of the issue at the Dark Horse site.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
kotor #38 cover roughs
Here are the roughs I submitted for the cover for KOTOR #38. We submit a minimum of three for approval. What usually happens on my end is that I come up with a single rough that I really like but still need to come up with a couple more just to complete the process. Part of me actually hopes the next two aren't as interesting since I want my favorite to stand out. Unlike interior pages which go a little faster, I spend DAYS on covers putting in as many little details as I can. So I want to make sure my heart is in it all the way if I'm going to spend so much time on it. With issue #38, I got lucky with 3 roughs I was pretty happy with. Version A was easily my favorite but I could also see myself working on the either two, no problem. In the end, version C was approved.