The colorist on the cover is Brad Anderson. He is such a TALENTED guy! I thought it was such a shame that no one ever got to see his amazing work on the cover so I thought I'd share it here. Check out all the rendering he did on the left arm around Obi-Wan's tunic. This is a perfect example of how a great colorist can define the mood of a piece.

Jaw droppingly good. Not using this is a travesty :o
Brad's colouring is pretty intense, and I love it.
This could have made a good cover for Obsession #5. Since the story is about Obi-Wan and this is the culmination of his search, it makes sense. Haven't seen the real cover yet but I'm sure it's good too.
Yeah, it might've worked as the Obsession #5 cover but we've already had him on two of the covers and this is sort of similar to his stance in the Issue 1 cover.
I wish I could show you guys the original cover to Obsession #5 but I haven't gotten the orginal back yet from Dark Horse.
Which Republic was it for?
(And saying your art is mediorce just rubs it in the face of us wanna/gonnabes :P)
Incidently, why a link to Zach Braff's Blog? :D
It was never intended for any specific issue of Republic. I was just asked to come up with an image of Obi-Wan that they might use in the future.
And the Zach Braff link is there because I put up a bunch of links to sites I visit when I go online. I really dig his movie Garden State and think that I get his sense of humor.
Not Scrubs then? :D
OH yeah! Scrubs too... although I find myself not as interested in it as before.
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