I've gotten a few questions about the type of pencils, erasers, etc that I use for work. Some artists use #2 pencils and others use $25 mechanical pencils. It honestly doesn't matter what you use-- as long as you are comfortable with it.
1) Tru-Point Lead Pointer for drafting pencil lead. This thing works great! It's the best lead pointer I've ever used. It works very smoothly and always gives me such a pointy tip. The only drawback is that it's a bit of a pain to empty the graphite.
2) Koh-I-Noor Drafting Pencil. I like using these drafting pencils to get the variety of line weights. The line thickness changes as the lead dulls. I use H lead and I go through about 12-14 leads per month.
I think I got this from Top Cow years ago. They used to supply us with all of our art supplies. Anyways, I remember grabbing 3 of these from the supply room because I tend to grip the pencil pretty tightly and press down hard as well-- and I would break these every few months. I've been lucky with this one- it's lasted me at least 4 years now.
3) Alvin Draft/Matic 0.3mm lead mechanical pencil. I use this for really fine background detail-- the only thing is that the line weight stays pretty uniform throughout the drawing.
4) Sakura Electric Eraser. I picked this up about 6 months ago and wondered why I didn't do so years ago. This thing is awesome-- I can't live without it now.
5) Tuff Stuff Eraser Stick. Great at erasing really small parts of the drawing.
6) Kneaded Eraser. I can't live without this thing either. I go through about one a month.
7) C-Thru Ruler.
That's it. The penciler's supplies are pretty simple.