Raana Tay
Here's a look at Raana Tay, our Togruta Jedi. Obviously she's the same species as Shaak Ti from the Prequels. The difference here, and this may differ from our writer's opinion, is that Raana is the "Wolverine" of our group. I'm talking old school Wolverine, not the sensitive girly one we see today. The Wolverine that kills first and can go into a berserker's rage at any moment. I know-- it's very out of character for a Jedi Master to be that way but that's how I envision her. When we've seen her in the book, she usually is squinting and angry. There are so many characters in the book it's hard to show her growling and sniffing around but I may get a chance to throw that in at some point.
BTW, KOTOR#3 comes out this Wednesday. The small pic is a mini preview of that issue. More soon...

BTW, KOTOR#3 comes out this Wednesday. The small pic is a mini preview of that issue. More soon...

Sweet. Keep it coming.
You're able to get a lot of variations in your line weights, are you using am exceptionally soft lead?
I use an H lead-- not too soft at all. Some artists like 2H or 3H, the harder the lead the easier it is to keep your pages clean and smudge free. As far as line weights go, it does invlove going back over some of the lines to make them heavier.
Thanks for the info....
I have always been curious about the tools and techniques of working professionals...
Great work on issue #3 especially that two page fight scene spread....
Wolverine is a good comparison. Actually, she could fill out the mask with that head of hers...
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