
This is the very first drawing I ever did of her. As you can see in the first two drawings (the second is the finished colors for her by Mike Atiyeh) her tattoos are not the same as they appear now. That was something I struggled with for a long time-- I wanted to make something cool without being overly complicated. I finally settled on the tattoos in the bottom drawing-- I needed to have that ready since we have several artists working on Knights of the Old Republic.
In the process of designing her it was extremely important for me to not have her appearance be overtly sexual. I didn't want to show much skin, not have her defined by the things we typically see in female comic characters-- I don't have a problem with that stuff at all, I just didn't want it for her . I wanted her to look like she works for a living as well, that's why she's got the heavy duty gloves, boots, and apron.

I Really like your work, and I was wondering. I have a school project to write a short story with a front page. It said I could get a picture off the internet. But I was wondering could you make a cool picture for me? Like a Basilik war attacking a Hammerhead-class from Knights of the old republic? If you could that would be really cool
Welcome back from CIV, Brian. It was fun seeing you and the rest of the team again. And cool to see a few Jaraels running around the con! :) Dunno if you made the 501st photoshoot or not...if you did, my apologies for recommending it, as it dragged on a LONG time and it looked like a nightmare for people trying to see what was going on.
Here's a pic of the "Knights of the Old Republic" contingent in the shoot. Video game characters, obviously, but our heart is in the right place. :)
- Carolyn
Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it. My workload is pretty heavy so I don't think I'll be able to help you out. But why not give it a shot and try drawing it yourself? It should be fun!
Hey Carolyn,
Great seeing you at the show, I hope you got around to see everything and had a good time! I was not able to make it to the 501st shoot, the Dark Horse dinner was scheduled a the same time-- but I think Jan Duursema might have been there.
Thanks for sending the link, the pic looks great!
No problem! Good luck with your heavy work schedule. I hope it is fun as well as daunting. And a Dark Horse dinner definitely trumps a photoshoot. Good call. :)
Take care and I'll drop by your blog later.
- Carolyn
Hey, it was great meeting you at CIV! I stopped by one of the signings you guys did. I also got to talk with John Jackson Miller a lot during the weekend - it would have been cool to talk to you more too. When I saw the girl with the really great Jarael costume, I was like, "Oh man, where's Brian Ching now?" Wish you could have seen it! :)
When you say of Jarael, "it was extremely important for me to not have her appearance be overtly sexual," do you mean just because of how you evisioned the character, or was there some external restriction that meant she had to be that way?
-Evan "Rainbow Droideka"
The women you draw are so beautiful. I love it.
Sorry to say, if you were trying to not make Jarael sexy, you failed.
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