Thanks to the biggest movie of the year, the Star Wars comics are getting a little more attention. Here is our blurb in the latest Wizard magazine.
It's been a good couple of months for the Star Wars comics. People saw how good Doug Wheatley's EP III Adaptation was and picked it up in huge numbers. The comic store I go to said they ordered 40 copies (which is a huge number of tpbs for any comic store to order) and sold out of them in one week. Jan Duursema is leading us all by putting out solid issues of Republic every single month. And I was extremely fortunate to be a part of Obsession.
We're in a market dominated by X-Men, Spider-Man, and Batman comics so it's kind of cool to see that some new people are digging the SW comics.
Congrats! Doug Wheatley gave a you a shout-out as well during his interview over at Rebelscum.com
Yeah, I think with EP III being the final movie, people out there are crazy for all things Star Wars. Even though the comics are just a tiny part of the Star Wars world, we're still pretty psyched to be included in it.
And Doug is awesome! He's finally getting the attention he deserves. In my opinion he's one of the best artists (not just Star Wars artists) working today. It's crazy how much he puts into a single panel- you can see from the pics in his interview he renders EVERYTHING. Most of us pencilers will concentrate on what's important (main figure or vehicle in the panel, work the hell out of that and fly through the rest of the pabnel just to make the deadline. But Doug cares so much about every single element on a page that he has make sure it's as close to perfect as can be. He's an artist's artist. I don't know how he ever finishes a single issue.
I've never bought a movie adaption for any movie because they are usually not very good, until I saw a preview Doug's art for the ROTS novel. I bought the hardcover signed edition.
I have the Republics he drew (Bigg's story arch) and those were also excellent. I think he could do just about any comic and vastly improve it's look. I sounds from the interview like it took a long time for him to produce the ROTS graphic novel, but it was worth it. I bet part of that time that it took was from trying to keep it consistent with the slow trickle of source material which was probably constantly being updated. As it was, you could tell how much the final version of the movie had changed from the official novelisation and graphic novel. That had to be frustrating.
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