Jelly of the Month

I've been invited to join Jelly of the Month-- it's an art blog where a bunch of different artists contribute whatever type of piece they want. This month's theme is Star Wars. It's a very cool idea and a good way to have fun with non-work stuff. Here's mine in it's black and white form. Head on over to the blog to see the rendered version. Thanks!
Hi Brian!!!
I cant belive that i’m watching your blog!!!! Hahah... I’m a big fan of your work, I meet you in the comic “Obsession” that shows at Brazil in the other year. Here in Brazil your work is really famous and you are one of the most new talent art-comic we have in this years... and I love Star Wars (I allways wish to see others species using lightsabers...)... And all pictures in this blog are very cool... you are a big refference to my work... please continues to post at this blog... if you want to see my pictures I put in to my blog... there are no a lot of images but its a beginig... if you see I will be very tankful...
My english is not so good... so... forgive my mistakes...
Brian please UPDATE !
Voltaire-- thank you so very much! I'm so glad to hear that people in Brazil like our Star Wars work :) I'm even more happy to see that you are an artist as well. keep up the good work!
Nestor-- Sorry! I will try to update my blog more often :) Take care.
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