
Here's a sketch I did not too long ago for a friend of mine-- Anna Hybsier, an outstanding artist working in Germany.
I'm still finding my way around this character. I've always been happy with her design but not thrilled with the way I've portrayed her, I think I just needed time to get comfortable with her.
Nice sketch!
What is it about her portrayal you've been uncomfortable with, drawing-wise? If you can put a finger on it, I mean.
From an outside perspective, I've never noticed any visual awkwardness with her...so was just curious. :)
- Carolyn
Hey Carolyn,
It's just her attitude and posture needs a little more ooomph. In the same way that Zayne always has the goofy smile and his shoulders somewhat slouched. Jarael needs that-- whether she needs to have her nostril flared or lip curled, she just needs to have more of an attitude. Honestly, I think the difference is just that I've drawn Zayne over 6 issues now and I am getting him down. I just need a little more time with Jarael.
I thought you got her attitude bang on the mark when she first appeared. She looks kind of snarly and aggresive. You could tell just at first glance she dosen't take any crap.
Thanks, Jamie. I guess, since I drew it the flaws really jump out at me but I'm glad people like her.
I agree that she comes across well to me. But I can see your point about wanting to sort of learn the character's "default" body language and be able to consistently portray that so that not only their clothing and features are distinctive, but their way of holding themselves, etc. as well.
- Carolyn
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