Busy as heck

I've been in deadline hell the last couple of weeks so I haven't been putting anything up on the Blog. My eyes are strained and my hand is sore but hey at least I get to draw for a living:)
The solicitations just came out for issue #13 of KotOR so I thought I'd put up the cover pencils for it. It has Jarael, Zayne, and uhumm, some reddish looking droid thing which may or may not be HK-47...we'll have to wait and see.
I'll be back soon.
Is that droid really HK-47 or is it another HK droid, like those HK-50s on KotOR 2 ? Tell me, plz !!!
Nice background.
When are you going to put the colored picture by Mike Atiyeh on your blog ?
The lineweight in the background is really light and soft, but on the center characters you used a different variety of dark lines. Did you use a single pencil or a bunch of art pencils ?
I'm sorry for the long jibberish jabberish, but what are you going to do about it.
Just saw the coloured version on the Dark Horse boards, you don't do the sparks from the staff?
Brian - Like I said in my last e-mail...You know these will have to be made into figures don't you! LOL! Fantastic work! I'm already looking forward to #13!!
Brian amazing work.
The dark horse site has a prev of issue 9 up.
Loving the coruscant from long ago.
also the Lucien cover is ace!
Can't wait to have these comics in my hands
Jamie G
I agree with everything said above. Intrigued by the maybe/maybe not HK-47...seems like an early appeareance for him, but so far you all have done a great job of blending and combining story-threads so I'm confident it'll all make sense. Gave me a thrill to see the old guy (or his antecedent, or sibling), though!
And yes! Thrilled with the preview up for issue #9. I've been looking forward to this one for a while.
Man, you and JJM even made me feel a little sorry for Lucien...damn you.
:) Nice to have you back doing the artwork inside the book! The other art is great as well, but I've been looking forward to seeing your stuff again! w00t!
- Carolyn
Nestor-- I can't say what model he is but he is an HK series droid :)
Quinn-- Mike Atiyeh and I work pretty closely on all the pieces so I asked him to put in the sparks and lightning FX on her staff. I think it just looks better in color than when it's drawn in.
Dayton-- Thanks man! I have toy collector friends and they are quite excited by your custom Rohlan :) Can't wait to see what you do with Zayne and Jarael.
Jamie-- Thanks, I think that cover is becoming my favorite. It's nice to see the preview for #9 up but I wish there was a bit more going on in those first 4 pages of the book. It's just the set up for the rest of the issue but there are some cool things happening to Lucien in it :)
Carolyn-- Oh yes, you will begin to care for Lucien :) Lucien is such a great character, a real Alpha male which there aren't too many of in the comics so far. But you'll see some different sides to him in #9 and get a little more sympathy for him (not much, just a little).
Thanks for all the great comments!
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